How MusicTeacherNotes helps private music teachers find students.

Teaching Music and Finding StudentsMusic teaching is a wonderful, gratifying job, but finding new music students, or retaining existing students, can be a big challenge. MusicTeacherNotes helps music teachers find new students and keep their existing students in several ways.

MusicTeacherNotes software for music teachers helps teachers get reviews for Google local searches and obtain testimonials, which help teachers bring in new students. How does this work? The following is the typical process that takes place. Let’s say you have your own private music teacher website. Google and other search engines are a music student’s gateway to finding a music teacher. Typically, a student will begin by going to Google and typing something like, “piano teachers near me.” A page displaying the best results will be presented to the student, and if you teach piano near that potential student, you want to be found. That means your website needs to show up on the Google results page (preferably on page one and near the top) and get clicked by the student from this local search. The best way for your website to “rank” high and be seen by this student is by having reviews. How or where do you get reviews? The best place for gathering reviews and testimonials is from your existing students. MusicTeacherNotes has tools to help teachers get reviews from existing music students. Teachers can then take the reviews and use them as testimonies on their websites!

Another highly effective tool that MusicTeacherNotes offers to help teachers acquire new students is our Music Teacher Directory. On our Music Teacher Directory, teachers can create their own personal profiles. The Directory platform allows teachers to introduce themselves, showcase their specialties, give a history of their experience, and provide so much more. Teachers who upgrade to a Premium Membership receive a premium listing, increasing their chances of finding new music students even more.

As you can see, MusicTeacherNotes private music teacher software provides many tools to help teachers acquire new students in their local area and worldwide if they choose to provide such services.

So how does MusicTeacherNotes help their teachers to retain their students?  Music school scheduling is one area where we assist. One of our music lesson schedule features is a messaging system designed to help the teachers bring back students who haven’t taken lessons for an extended time. Finding new students is a challenge, but keeping existing students is perhaps even more critical. Every student who quits is a vacancy that must be filled. Our messaging system helps identify those students that have been absent. Another tool that aids teachers in acquiring and retaining music students is the Availability Calendar. The Availability Calendar uses the teacher’s schedule to show students available time slots for music lessons. This calendar lets students quickly and easily pick the best available time slot for their situation. Because students are more likely to select a time slot that fits their schedule, they are less likely to stop lessons due to schedule conflicts. Our messaging system, Availability Calendar, music journal app, and motivational tools are just a few of the ways we help our teachers retain their students for years to come.

MusicTeacherNotes has many other features that enhance the music lesson experience for teachers and students alike. Please click the join button below to get your directory listing and to register risk-free. It costs nothing to join!