Private Music Teachers: Get More Students With Google Ads

Google Ads for Music TeachersAs a music teacher, attracting new students is crucial for growing your business. Traditional advertising methods like word-of-mouth, direct mail, and flyers work well, but you must also focus online.

That’s where Google Ads come in. Google Ads have a specific role in your music lesson marketing strategy.

Even with a limited advertising budget, small private music teachers can effectively compete with larger advertisers using Google Ads. However, it’s essential to do it correctly to avoid costly issues. This article will help you get the most out of your advertising campaign.

Understanding How Google (And Other Search Engines) Matter for Music Teachers

Understanding its functionality is crucial to successfully advertising your music lessons using Google Ads. The following video illustrates the process when a prospective student searches for music lessons in a particular location. You’ll observe the appearance of Google Ads, local search results, organic results, and other relevant information.

The success of your paid ads on Google is not the only factor that affects your online visibility. You can also appear on the first page of Google by using free tactics like blogging and optimizing your Google my Business Profile to show in local search. Being visible in multiple places on the search engine results page (SERP) improves your credibility and increases the chances of potential students contacting you for music lessons.

What are Google Ads?

Google Ads, formerly known as AdWords, is a pay-per-click (PPC) advertising platform that allows you to place ads on Google search results pages, Google Display Network, and YouTube. It helps you reach potential students searching for music lessons in your area, even if they don’t know your music studio.

Google Ads works on an auction system where advertisers bid on keywords related to their business. Winning bidders display their ads on the search engine results page (SERP) when users search for those keywords.

In other words, Google Ads is a way for businesses to show their ads on Google when someone searches for something. Think of it as a game where businesses bid to have their ad appear when people search for specific words.

Set Goals for Your Google Ads Campaign

Setting goals is essential when creating a Google Ads campaign for music teachers. By defining clear objectives, you can measure the success of your advertising efforts and make adjustments as needed to ensure you achieve the desired outcomes. Here are some examples of goals that you might have for your advertising campaign:

  • Increase website traffic: Using Google Ads to drive more traffic to your website can improve your chances of converting visitors into students.
  • Boost conversions: If your main objective is to increase the number of sign-ups for your music lessons, you might set a goal to boost conversions. You can track conversions in Google Ads by setting up conversion tracking, which allows you to see how many clicks on your ads result in sign-ups or other desired actions.
  • Increase brand awareness: If you’re a new music teacher looking to build your reputation in your local area, you might set a goal to increase brand awareness.

When setting goals for your advertising campaign, your goals should be realistic and achievable. Here are some tips for setting challenging, yet attainable, goals:

  • Define your objectives: Before setting your goals, make sure you have a clear understanding of what you want to achieve.
  • Set specific goals: Instead of setting broad goals like “increase website traffic,” be more specific. For example, you might set a goal to increase website traffic by 25% over the next three months.
  • Be realistic: Set goals that you can realistically achieve based on your budget, resources, and timeline.
  • Track your progress: Once you’ve set your goals, track your progress regularly to see how you’re doing. Adjust your strategy or tactics, if necessary.

Conduct Keyword Research

Conducting keyword research is crucial for music teachers to create an effective Google Ads campaign. Keyword research allows you to identify the keywords and phrases potential students search for when looking for music lessons in your area. By incorporating these keywords into your ad copy and targeting them in your campaign, you can reach the right audience and increase the chances of converting clicks into sign-ups.

Here are some tips for conducting effective keyword research:

  • Use keyword research tools: Keyword research tools can help you identify relevant keywords and phrases for your campaign. Google’s Keyword Planner is a popular tool that provides insights into search volume, competition, and cost per click for specific keywords.
  • Think like your potential students: Put yourself in the shoes of your likely students and consider what keywords they might use when searching for music lessons in your area. For example, they may search for “piano lessons near me” or “guitar teacher in [your city].”
  • Analyze your competitors: Research your competitors and see what keywords they target in their campaigns. This can give you insights into what keywords work well in your industry and help you identify new opportunities.
  • Use long-tail keywords: Long-tail keywords are more specific phrases with three or more words. They can help you attract the right people looking for your music lessons. For example, a long-tail keyword for a music teacher could be “guitar lessons for beginners in Los Angeles.”

Tip: Consider using the + for broad search terms

The + sign is a modifier that can be added to particular keywords in a Google Ads campaign. Adding a + sign in front of a keyword tells Google to include that keyword or a close variant in a user’s search query, even if the user didn’t specifically include that keyword.

For example, if you have the keyword “+piano +teacher” in your campaign, your ad could show up for searches like “skills of a piano teacher” or “piano teacher jobs” because the + sign indicates that the keyword “piano” and “teacher” must be present in the search query for your ad to be eligible to show. That means the + modifier can show your ads to people not searching for music lessons. However, it can help your ad show for queries you might not have considered, like “piano teacher for 9-year-old intermediate child pianist.”

Using the + sign can help increase the reach of your ads and ensure that they appear for relevant searches. However, using the modifier cautiously is a good idea to avoid appearing for irrelevant or low-quality searches.

Organizing Your Advertising Campaign

Organizing your Google Ads campaign is vital to maximize its effectiveness and ensure you reach the right audience with the right message. Google Ads has a hierarchical structure consisting of the Campaign Level, Ad Group Level, and Ad Level. Here’s an overview of each level:

  • Campaign Level: This is the highest level of the Google Ads hierarchy. Each campaign is designed to reach a specific marketing goal, such as increasing sign-ups or driving website traffic. You can set budget and targeting options at the campaign level.
  • Ad Group Level: Ad groups are subsets of campaigns containing ads and keywords related to a specific theme. For example, you might have an ad group for “piano lessons” and another for “guitar lessons.”
  • Ad Level: Ads are created within ad groups and contain the ad copy, images, and call-to-action shown to potential students. Ads can be tailored to specific keywords and search intents to increase relevance and effectiveness.

Here are some tips for organizing your Google Ads campaign:

  • Group keywords by search intent: Each ad group should have a specific theme and contain keywords that are related to that theme. For example, an ad group for “piano lessons” might contain keywords like “beginner piano lessons,” “online piano lessons,” and “adult piano lessons.” You understand your business better than anyone. Just consider how you want to segment your visitors. For example, you might wish to put “piano lessons for children” in its own ad group if you have a landing page dedicated to just children. By grouping keywords by search intent and considering how you want to structure your music lesson studio, you can create more targeted messaging and increase the relevance of your ads.
  • Create dedicated landing pages: Each ad group should point to a dedicated landing page relevant to the keywords in that group. This allows you to create a seamless user experience and increase the chances of converting clicks into sign-ups.
  • Use ad variations: Create variations of your ads within each ad group to test different messaging and calls-to-action. This can help you optimize your ads for maximum effectiveness.

Once you’ve identified relevant keywords for your campaign, using them strategically in your ad copy is beneficial. Here are a couple more tips to get the most out of keywords and create targeted ads:

  • Incorporate keywords in ad headlines and descriptions: Include your targeted keywords in your ad headlines and descriptions to make your ads more relevant to potential students.
  • Use negative keywords to refine your targeting: Negative keywords are those you don’t want your ads to appear for. For example, if you don’t want to appear for the term “music teacher jobs,” the word “jobs” could be a negative keyword. Using negative keywords can refine your targeting and ensure your ads are only shown to relevant audiences.

Tip: Think Like Students and Parents Who Are Searching For You

Potential music students will likely type the instrument or lesson type they are searching for, followed by their location. They might use “near me” instead of the location and let Google figure out where they are. Either way, your keywords are pretty easy to figure out. A potential student searching for piano lessons in a specific city is likely to Google something like:

  • piano instruction [city name]
  • piano lessons [city name]
  • piano teacher [city name]
  • piano studio [city name]
  • piano classes [city name]
  • piano instruction near me
  • piano lessons near me
  • piano teacher near me
  • piano studio near me
  • piano classes near me

Again, these keywords should be combined into an ad group and pointed to a landing page about piano lessons. You likely won’t need to list the city’s name in the actual keyword. You can use Geotargeting to control where the ads display. We’ll explain Geotargeting shortly.

Craft Compelling Ad Copy

Crafting compelling ad copy is essential for grabbing potential students’ attention and driving clicks to your website. Here are some key elements that make your ad copy effective:

  • Headline: Your headline is the first thing potential students will notice. Make it attention-grabbing and relevant to their search query. Your headline should also include the primary keyword you are targeting with the ad.
  • Description: The description is your chance to expand on your headline and provide more information about your services. It should be concise, clear, and include a strong call-to-action.

Here are some tips to keep in mind when writing compelling headlines and descriptions:

  • Use emotional language: People are more likely to click on an ad that speaks to their emotions. Use words like  “secret,” “ultimate,” “proven,” “imagine,” “discover,” and “experience” to evoke a strong emotional response.
  • Unique Selling Proposition (USP): Your USP sets you apart from other music teachers. It could be your years of experience, a unique teaching approach, or a special offer. Try to highlight your USP in your ad copy.
  • Be specific: Avoid generic ad copy and be as specific as possible. For example, instead of “Learn to play an instrument,” try “Master the guitar in just 30 days with our expert instruction.”
  • Include a clear call-to-action: Use a clear call-to-action in your ad copy to encourage potential students to take action, such as “Enroll today” or “Book your first lesson now.”

Here are some examples of ad copy that music teachers might use to attract more students:

  • Headline: Master the Piano with Private Lessons
  • Description: Unlock your musical potential with our expert piano instruction. Sign up today and receive a free trial lesson!

  • Headline: Learn to Play the Guitar Online
  • Description: Take your guitar skills to the next level with our online lessons. Learn from the comfort of your own home and at your own pace.

  • Headline: Discover the Joy of Singing
  • Description: Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced singer, our lessons will help you find your voice. Sign up now and receive a free vocal assessment!

By crafting compelling ad copy that speaks to potential students’ emotions and highlights your unique selling proposition, you can attract more clicks and sign-ups for your music lessons.

Consider using dynamic keyword insertion (DKI)

You may want to use Google’s dynamic keyword insertion (DKI) to automatically match your ad’s headlines or descriptions with the searcher’s query in real-time, including multiple location names within your targeted area.

Here are some examples of how you might use DKI in your Google Ads:

  • Headline: Learn {Keyphrase: Piano Lessons} in {Keyphrase: City Name} Today!
  • Description: Our {Keyphrase: Piano Lessons} in {Keyphrase: City Name} are perfect for beginners and advanced players alike. Sign up now and start playing like a pro!

  • Headline: Affordable {Keyphrase: Guitar Lessons} in {Keyphrase: City Name}
  • Description: Looking for affordable {Keyphrase: Guitar Lessons} in {Keyphrase: City Name}? Look no further! Our expert instructors will help you achieve your musical goals.

  • Headline: Take Your Singing to the Next Level with {Keyphrase: Vocal Coaching} in {Keyphrase: City Name}
  • Description: Our {Keyphrase: Vocal Coaching} in {Keyphrase: City Name} will help you develop your skills and confidence as a singer. Sign up now and take your singing to the next level!

  • Headline: {Keyphrase: Music Theory} Classes in {Keyphrase: City Name} – Enroll Today!
  • Description: Our {Keyphrase: Music Theory} classes in {Keyphrase: City Name} are designed to help you understand the language of music. Enroll today and take the first step toward mastering your instrument.

  • Headline: Learn to Play {Keyphrase: Drums} Like a Pro with Our {Keyphrase: Drum Lessons} in {Keyphrase: City Name}
  • Description: Our {Keyphrase: Drum Lessons} in {Keyphrase: City Name} are the perfect way to learn to play {Keyphrase: Drums} like a pro. Our expert instructors will guide you every step of the way.

Note: If DKI isn’t suitable for your business, don’t forget to use location-based language such as “near me” in your keywords and ad copy. In recent years, searches for “near me” or “close by” have increased by over 900%!

Use Geotargeting

46% of all Google searches are for local information, and 72% of local searchers will visit a business within five miles of their location. Utilize these local advertising tips and those mentioned below to attract your local audience.

Geotargeting is a powerful Google Ads tool. It allows you to target your ads to potential students in specific locations. Here’s what you need to know about geotargeting and how to use it to your advantage:

  • Explanation of geotargeting: Geotargeting allows you to choose specific geographic locations where your ads will be displayed. 
  • Benefits of geotargeting: Geotargeting can help you save money by ensuring your ads are only displayed to people in your target area. It can also help you attract more relevant leads and improve your conversion rates.
  • Tips for setting up geotargeting: To set up geotargeting, go to your Google Ads campaign settings and select the locations you want to target. You can choose specific cities, regions, or even zip codes. You can also exclude certain locations where you don’t want your ads to be displayed.

Here are some examples of how music teachers might use geotargeting to attract more local students:

  • A guitar teacher in Los Angeles might target ads to people searching for “guitar lessons Los Angeles” or “music lessons in LA.”
  • A vocal coach in New York City might target ads to people searching for “singing lessons in NYC” or “voice lessons in Manhattan.”
  • A piano teacher in a small town might target ads to people searching for “piano lessons [town name]” or “music lessons [zip code].”

By using geotargeting to focus your Google Ads on potential students in your local area, you can attract more relevant leads and improve your chances of converting them into paying students.

The following video explains Geotargeting in detail.

Use Retargeting to Get Better Results

Retargeting, also known as remarketing, is a powerful advertising technique that allows you to target people who have interacted with your website or ads. Imagine a potential student clicking your ad, landing on your landing page, and leaving without calling you. Retargeting ads can bring them back into your sales funnel.

Retargeting works by tracking people who have visited your website or clicked on your ads. Your retargeted ads will be displayed to them as they browse other websites or social media platforms, allowing you to stay on top of their mind.

To create an effective retargeting campaign, consider the following tips:

  • Segment your audience based on their behavior on your website or interactions with your ads.
  • Use compelling ad copy and visuals that remind potential students of your music lessons and encourage them to sign up.
  • Set frequency caps to avoid overwhelming people with too many ads.
  • Use an enticing offer, such as a free trial lesson or a discount, to encourage people to sign up.

Here are some examples of how music teachers might use retargeting to encourage potential students to sign up for lessons:

  • A piano teacher might retarget people who visited their website but didn’t sign up for a free trial lesson with an ad offering a discounted first lesson.
  • A vocal coach might retarget people who clicked on an ad for their singing lessons but didn’t fill out a contact form with an ad reminding them of the benefits of taking singing lessons and encouraging them to sign up.
  • A guitar teacher might retarget people who visited their website but didn’t book a lesson with an ad showcasing positive reviews from other students and encouraging them to try it.

Consider Using Ad Extensions

Ad extensions are additional pieces of information that can be added to your Google Ads to provide more context about your music lessons and encourage potential students to take action. Here’s what you need to know about ad extensions:

Ad extension benefits

Ad extensions can include various information, such as links to your website, phone numbers, reviews, and more. By including this additional information in your ads, you can make them more useful and relevant to potential students, leading to higher click-through rates and conversions.

Examples of ad extensions

Here are some examples of ad extensions that music teachers might find useful:

  • Sitelink extensions: Sitelink extensions allow you to include links to specific pages on your website, such as your lessons page, pricing page, FAQs page, or contact page.
  • Call extensions: Call extensions allow potential students to call you directly from your ad by clicking on a phone icon.
  • Review extensions: Review extensions allow you to showcase positive reviews from satisfied students, which can help build trust and credibility with potential students.
  • Location extensions: Location extensions allow you to include your business address and a map of your location in your ads, which can be useful for attracting local students.

Tips for using ad extensions effectively

Here are some tips for using ad extensions effectively:

  • Relevancy: Choose ad extensions most relevant to your music lessons and goals.
  • Test: Test different ad extensions to see which ones perform best for your music studio.
  • Accuracy: Make sure your ad extensions are up-to-date and accurate, as outdated or incorrect information can be a turn-off for potential students.
  • Ad Copy: Use ad extensions in combination with compelling ad copy and targeted keywords to create high-performing ads.

The following video explains Google Ads ad extensions in detail:


By using ad extensions to provide more information and context about your music lessons, you can create more useful and relevant ads that are more likely to attract potential students and convert them into paying students.

Measure and Optimize Your Ad Campaign

Measuring and optimizing your advertising campaign is crucial to its success. Without regular monitoring and refining your ads, you may spend money on ads that do not generate the desired results. Here are some tips on how to measure and optimize your music teaching campaign using Google Ads:

  • Track your ad performance: Use Google Ads’ built-in tools to track key metrics such as click-through rate (CTR), conversion rate, and cost per click (CPC). You can also use Google Analytics to track user behavior on your website and see which pages and ads drive the most conversions.
  • Analyze your data: Once you have collected enough data, analyze it to see which ads and keywords are performing well and which ones need improvement. Look for patterns in user behavior and adjust your campaign accordingly.
  • Optimize your ads: Based on your analysis, make changes to your ad copy, targeting, and bidding strategy. A/B testing can be a powerful tool for optimizing your ads. Try running two ads with different variations of copy or targeting to see which one performs better.
  • Refine your targeting: You may find that certain demographics or locations respond better to your ads as you analyze your data. This information will refine your targeting and focus your budget on the most promising segments.
  • Monitor and adjust regularly: Ad performance can change over time, so it’s important to monitor your campaign regularly and make adjustments as needed. Don’t be afraid to pause or adjust poorly performing ads or keywords to focus your budget on the ones that are generating the most results.


In conclusion, Google Ads can be an effective tool for music teachers looking to attract more students. By setting clear goals, conducting keyword research, organizing your campaigns, crafting compelling ad copy, utilizing geotargeting and ad extensions, and measuring and optimizing ad performance, you can create targeted ads that reach and attract potential students where they are. With the right approach, Google Ads can help music teachers stand out in a crowded market and build a strong student base. Take the time to create your own advertising campaigns and start driving more leads and conversions. Remember, the key to success is to be patient, track your progress, and continuously improve your strategies for better results.