MusicTeacherNotes Helps Private Music Teachers
Find and Manage More Students

To learn more about how we do it, continue reading. Or better yet, create a free account today. Every teacher account gets added to our Music Teacher Directory, even if you never decide to pay for the service!

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  • Do you struggle to manage and provide online music lessons?
  • Is it challenging to organize and get people on Skype, Zoom, or Google Hangouts?
  • Is it somewhat tricky to assign students tasks for each lesson or to share resources?
  • Is juggling students' music lesson schedules more time-consuming than it should be?
  • Is it challenging to collect payments from students?
  • Have you ever wanted to send your students a quick email message or periodic newsletter?
  • Do you struggle to manage and provide online music lessons?
  • Is it challenging to organize and get people on Skype, Zoom, or Google Hangouts?
  • Is it somewhat tricky to assign students tasks for each lesson or to share resources?
  • Is juggling students' music lesson schedules more time-consuming than it should be?
  • Is it challenging to collect payments from students?
  • Have you ever wanted to send your students a quick email message or periodic newsletter?

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MusicTeacherNotes helps you manage your music teaching profession while empowering parents to assist their children with their music lessons.

Helps music teachers manage students, helps parents aid their children with music lessons, and helps students learn music faster.

Studio Software
for Music Teachers

  Manage music lesson payments and other transactions from students

MusicTeacherNotes comes with a music lesson payment tracking system and invoicing system included. Music teachers can manage all music students' payments, charges, discounts, credits, and refunds via MusicTeacherNotes. Teachers can quickly convert transactions into invoices to ensure on-time payments.

  Manage online music lessons with fewer headaches

MusicTeacherNotes is a music lesson management system for in-person, traditional music lessons, and online music lessons, too! Online music lessons have become a necessity due to world events. MusicTeacherNotes helps you manage your online music lessons, so you can easily share live conference call links to Skype, Zoom, Google Hangouts, and more. Also, share notes and resources for each lesson so students are ready when the lesson begins. Online music lessons are a lot more efficient when you use MusicTeacherNotes to organize them.

  Grow your student clientele

A well-managed music lesson business is one that grows. Well-managed music schools enjoy word-of-mouth advertising and students who take music lessons for a long time -- not giving up on lessons too early. As you browse this website, you will discover many ways that MusicTeacherNotes can help you and your students grow more successful. The natural result is that you can significantly boost your student clientele.

  Increase the odds of your students becoming long-term students

It's far more profitable to have long-term students than it is to have a continuous influx of new students who replace ones who leave. Replacing a student means you lose revenue while the vacancy is unfilled. You might need to spend money to acquire a new student.

Each student who gives up on music lessons too early is a tragedy. Not only is it costly for you, but it's also the end of someone giving up on one of the most rewarding experiences life has to offer.

We help reduce student attrition in a variety of ways. There are critical times during a student's music lesson journey that are prone to them giving up. Parents might become overwhelmed with the music lesson schedule. Students might become involved in extracurricular activities. Even vacations can take families out of their routine, causing them to "forget" to reschedule lessons. We significantly decrease the risk of student attrition by helping families remain engaged in their music lessons during those critical times, and by helping you efficiently manage your music lesson career.

  Optimize your schedule with less downtime and more revenue

A flexible schedule is one of the perks of being a music teacher. However, it can be a curse if you have long gaps between lessons you would like to have filled. MusicTeacherNotes has innovative ways to help you optimize your teaching schedule, leading to more efficient use of your time. Less unwanted downtime means more revenue for you.

  Easily message all of your students and parents

Sending a message to all or a few students is simple with the MusicTeacherNotes messaging system. You can select some or all of the students, create a message, and send it. The message will be delivered to the students' and/or parents' emails. It will also show as a notification when they login to MusicTeacherNotes. You can even schedule the message for a later date, making MusicTeacherNotes a robust replacement for other email messaging services you might currently use for newsletters and other purposes.

  Avoid the issue of forgotten lessons

One of the most frustrating parts of a music teacher's career is the issue of forgotten lessons or last-minute cancellations. It costs you money, and it prevents other students from filling that canceled timeslot.

MusicTeacherNotes helps decrease this issue because parents and students receive confirmation messages on their accounts just before upcoming lessons. If they need to cancel, they can give you adequate notice, and if they intend to show, they can confirm the lesson. By confirming the lesson, it helps remind parents and students that the lesson is coming up. It also helps prompt them to squeeze in some more practice, so they come to the lesson prepared.

The notification feature is available on all student accounts that have connected to your teacher account. Families do not need to pay for the service to see the lesson calendar and receive notifications. Free basic family accounts have the calendar and notification features available to them, just like upgraded family accounts do.

  Help students learn music faster

There are a variety of ways we help students learn faster, but it can be summed up as follows:

  • Getting students to practice more.
  • Getting students to practice more productively.

The faster your students master the music skills you teach, the more likely they will become long-term students. It’s the students who feel they aren’t getting enough out of music lessons who quit. Our mindset is that if students learn faster they are more likely to remain engaged in music lessons, stick with lessons for the long term, and become the next generation of great musicians.

MusicTeacherNotes consists of a suite of tools and features that accelerate the learning process for students taking music lessons. Through the innovative use of video, practice plans, rewards, and better use of time for you and your students, students can achieve much better results in far less time.

Please browse around the site to discover some of the features and ways we help students learn faster and become more productive with their lessons. You'll discover innovative ways we use video, incentives, practice plans, and more.

  Get students to practice more

As a teacher, you may only see a student for roughly 30 minutes each week. You have limited control as to how much practice a student gets each week. You can tell them to practice more, but it’s primarily up to students and parents to ensure they get enough practice. We help families overcome the barriers to music practice, so you don't need to.

One of our features on family accounts is called the Practice Plan Creator. The Practice Plan Creator allows parents or students to generate a structured practice plan based on assignments from each lesson and repertoire songs they are expected to master. This feature allows students to log their practice and earn rewards, like Music Bucks, for meeting certain practice goals. Our idea was that it should be parents who create the practice plan, not the teachers. Teachers do not need more work, and parents know their child’s schedule. Teachers and parents may enter the assignments following a lesson. Then, parents generate a structured practice plan from those assignments.

Our video features also influence more practice. For example, a student can video their teacher demonstrating how to play a song and then upload it to their MusicTeacherNotes account. Once uploaded, they can create clips from the video to focus on specific parts of the song. MusicTeacherNotes also allows students to loop and control the tempo of the clips so they can play along at a comfortable speed, over and over.

  Help parents and students remember payments and loaned items

Many teachers loan music books or other items to students, only to have them disappear for good. Families have busy lives, so it's understandable that things get forgotten. However, it's a significant frustration for music teachers. Whatever the forgotten item is, whether it's a forgotten payment or a loan item, we provide a simple way to help students remember them.

  Never forget what students worked on in previous lessons

You can quickly prepare for upcoming lessons by looking at your students’ online music journals from previous lessons. You don’t need to wait until their lesson begins to comb through handwritten journals, hunting for the previous lesson's assignments. A music lesson is typically quite short, so 5 minutes lost trying to figure out what the student did is about 15 percent of their lesson. Because all of your student's journals are in one place, you can quickly prepare for every lesson with just a short review on your phone, computer, or tablet.

How can this be so affordable for Music Teachers?

When we began thinking about MusicTeacherNotes we knew we needed to interview music teachers — a lot of music teachers. Our interviews uncovered many pain-points that music teachers experienced, and once we discovered them, we were able to focus on building real solutions to address each issue. Our goals were extensive: to build something that allowed music teachers to grow their businesses and manage their students more effectively while also assisting parents with their children's practice, and helping students to learn music faster.

One of our fundamental discoveries was that music teachers did not want more complexity in their lives, and they certainly didn't want an overpriced, underperforming piece of software that failed to solve their problems. We also came to realize that many teachers worked for multiple music studios or worked for themselves, and many changed jobs often. The service needed to be flexible, scalable, and extremely affordable for music teachers.

We believe we accomplished those goals. Please visit our Pricing Pages to understand just how affordable MusicTeacherNotes music school management software really is.

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Common Questions you Probably Have

Yes. MusicTeacherNotes music lesson management software is fully designed for all types of private music lessons, whether they are online, face-to-face at your music studio, or in-person at a student's home. MusicTeacherNotes also works for group music lessons.

For online music lessons, MusicTeacherNotes lets teachers quickly connect to students via Zoom, Skype, Google Hangouts, Facetime, and other meeting software and share relevant information over the internet with ease.

For every lesson, MusicTeacherNotes manages music journals, payments, messaging, and other tasks necessary to run a music school.

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No. Parents and students are not required to pay for MusicTeacherNotes. MusicTeacherNotes is free for families to use. That said, parents and students have the option to upgrade their family account to enable more features, but it isn't necessary for families to upgrade for music school management purposes.

MusicTeacherNotes helps you manage your music teaching studio while empowering parents to assist their children with their music lessons. MusicTeacherNotes is full of tools that benefit parents and students with music lessons. Some of the family tools are free for parents and students. Others are available via the family Gold Plan. Families who want extra features, like motivational rewards for their children, the Practice Plan Creator, and other add-on tools, can opt to upgrade to the Gold Plan, if they wish. Again, it's entirely optional for families to upgrade. The essential tools families need to engage with you for music studio management purposes are completely free for families and students.

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When you join MusicTeacherNotes, you will be prompted to add the music studios you teach for. Each studio is automatically assigned a unique code, called a "studio code" or "connect code." You simply give the studio code to your music students, so they can connect to you when they register their accounts.

We simplified the process of having your students connect to your studio by providing online and printable Welcome Sheets that explain everything to your students. Welcome Sheets also provide your students with your unique studio code. It's very simple, and your students will love it!

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As a music teacher, you can add all students on your account. You will be able to see and manage their schedules on your end, even students who haven't registered. When students join MusicTeacherNotes they will be prompted to add your studio code so they can connect to you. Once they connect, you will then be able to interact with them and manage their music lessons offline and online. The best practice is to add your students' basic information on your end so you can manage their payments, schedules, and the like. Once they connect to your studio, everything should sync from your account to theirs.

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The most common problem parents face with their children taking music lessons is getting their students to practice adequately. Most young students drastically under practice, which sets the stage for early frustration with music lessons and significantly increases the chances that students will give up on lessons entirely.

Our primary intention is to help get more practice and more productive practice out of students, so they become better, enjoy music more, and become long term students. We do this by empowering parents to assist their children with music lessons. There are many features that families have available to them to help them improve practice, but one such feature is a reward system called Music Bucks. Kids earn Music Bucks when they log their practice. Parents create a list of "rewards" that their children can purchase with their Music Bucks, so as the children log their practice they get closer to each reward. Parents can record practice on behalf of their kids, or kids can log it themselves if they wish. The Music Bucks feature is one of many ways we empower parents to assist kids with practice, but we hope you can see how getting parents involved greatly increases the likelihood that kids will practice more and remain students for a long time.

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MusicTeacherNotes is independent. In other words, it works seamlessly, even if the studio you work for uses another software system to manage the music studio. Because MusicTeacherNotes is a student-owned service, students don’t lose anything when transitioning to different schools or teachers. It’s their account.

Here’s an example of how that may work in practice: Assume you have a student named John who you teach guitar, at a studio called ABC Music. Assume you also have a student named Laura, who you teach piano to at her house on your own. Laura is not affiliated with ABC Music. You can use MusicTeacherNotes to manage both students. You can opt to let ABC Music see your ABC Music students, but not see those who you teach independently.

Additionally, let's assume that ABC Music suddenly goes out of business, and John still wants you to teach him the guitar. You merely change one setting in your account and John is linked the same way Laura is. You still have John’s history, as if nothing ever changed.

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Many music teachers prefer to enter lesson assignments into a student's physical journal; you may be reluctant to enter assignments into a computer journal. We thought long and hard about this issue, and we developed solutions that ensure every assignment gets added to a student's online MusicTeacherNotes journal -- an essential task because the Practice Plan Creator uses the journal entries.

We focused on two things:

  1. We made sure adding assignments to MusicTeacherNotes was easy.
  2. We made it so your students or their parents could add the assignments if you prefer not to.

In order to benefit from many of the best features that MusicTeacherNotes offers, assignments do need to be added after each lesson. But our goal was to make less work for teachers, not more. So, for teachers who choose to enter assignments directly into the MusicTeacherNotes account, the process is simply a matter typing the assignment information for songs or practice assignments into a couple of fields on the MusicTeacherNotes website. It only takes a minute or two.

However, do not need to do this. You can ask the parents to do it because the link for a parent is right on their Practice Plan Creator. They can simply transpose the assignments from the written journal that you filled out into their online version of the journal on MusicTeacherNotes. Then they can generate the practice plan using the assignments, and you will be able to see their journal entry just as if you'd written it yourself!

If you prefer this method then we recommend that you explain to your students and their parents that they will need to add the assignments from their paper journals to their MusicTeacherNotes account.

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Yes. No matter who the student is we have a plan for them so that there is no reason for them not to join and connect to your account.

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MusicTeacherNotes offers private music teachers almost all of the tools they require to manage a music lesson studio. These include:

  • A payment tracker to handle bookkeeping
  • An invoicing system to invoice students or parents
  • A lesson scheduler to keep music lesson schedules organized and up-to-date
  • A lesson manager to manage every music lesson
  • A messaging system that lets music teachers message their students/parents via email and the MusicTeacherNotes website
  • A reminder system so students don't forget things they need to remember, like borrowed books, forgotten payments, or upcoming recitals
  • A video-sharing system that allows teachers to share videos of them demonstrating how to play songs
  • A document-sharing system that allows teachers to share documents or images with students (great for teaching music theory)

There is so much more to list, but you'll see it all when you register your free account. See you soon!

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MusicTeacherNotes helps music teachers manage their students and helps students learn music faster. By empowering parents and students to get much more out of private music lessons, learning music becomes a better experience for everyone.