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Hi, I'm Joseph Stanek - "New York City's Top Choice for Coaching the Voice"! Many of the singers I work with are celebrities - like Ariana Grande, Kristin Chenoweth, and Jennifer Hudson - if that gives you any idea as to my abilities. I teach all levels, and my one requirement is that each of my singers must come to me with passion in their souls for music. If I have to remind you to practice, you're not a good fit. If you want to change the world by using your voice - welcome home. I teach through Fiverr to students all over the world. For more about me, and for booking lessons with me, please visit https://tourdefierce.vip/book-now - thank you!
If you wish to see if Joseph has music lessons at a time that works for you, click the "See Availability" button.
Students (Parents for younger students) will need to register for a free MusicTeacherNotes account. If you are a current student of mine at Tour de Fierce NYC and haven't registered your MusicTeacherNotes account, please click the orange button below. You will use the studio code (PAHN6) to connect your family account to my teacher account.
MusicTeacherNotes is free for students. They have an upgradable option available, called the Gold Plan, but upgrading is not required. I can manage our music lessons whether you use their free account or their Gold account.
Students (Parents for younger students) will need to register for a free MusicTeacherNotes account. If you are a current student of mine at tourdefierce.vip/vocal-coaching and haven't registered your MusicTeacherNotes account, please click the orange button below. You will use the studio code (9H8AV) to connect your family account to my teacher account.
MusicTeacherNotes is free for students. They have an upgradable option available, called the Gold Plan, but upgrading is not required. I can manage our music lessons whether you use their free account or their Gold account.
MusicTeacherNotes helps music teachers manage their students and helps students learn music faster. By empowering parents and students to get much more out of private music lessons, learning music becomes a better experience for everyone.