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Songwriting, Music, Theory, Composition, Guitar, Singing, Vocal, Ha | Louisville, Kentucky

Cherylyn Geers

I’m Allison Winnall, a dedicated and enthusiastic music instructor with over 15 years experience. I have a Bachelor of Music degree and a Diploma of Vocal Performance from McMaster University in Canada. I also have a Masters of Education, specialising in middle and high school Music. I taught Music to students in grades 7-12 for 12 years and have extensive experience teaching students from diverse backgrounds. I can easily adapt lessons that cater to individual student needs and interests. I specialise in all styles of vocal performance including Opera, Classical, Jazz, Gospel, Popular styles and Broadway. I have been playing piano since I was 12 years old and have completed piano examinations. My passion for teaching Music has inspired many of my students to continue studying and performing in tertiary and professional settings. My teaching pedagogy emphasises building strong technical foundations and develops strong performance techniques in an engaging way. Beyond teaching, I’m passionate about performing and composing original works and am committed to inspiring students to achieve their personal best through music.

Songwriting,Music Theory,Composition,Guitar,Singing,Vocal,Harmonica,Banjo,Ukulele,Dulcimer
 United States
Louisville, Kentucky 40218
Lesson Types
music lessons online, in-person at my studio, in-person at your home

Email theunamusedkraken@gmail.com or call 513-889-8545

If you wish to see if Cherylyn has music lessons at a time that works for you, click the "See Availability" button.

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